A Learn to Row Coach Workshop will beheld on Saturday May 19 and Sunday May 20, 2018 in Dartmouth from 8:30am-4:30pm both days. Cost for the workshop is $100 per person. This workshop is the entry into the RCA coach development pathway and is geared toward people interested in coaching LTR lessons at clubs. The workshop content is intended to provide the coach with knowledge, skills and abilities to instruct learn to row sessions with beginners.
A Learn to Row Coach Workshop will beheld on Saturday May 26 and Sunday May 27, 2018 in Lunenburg from 8:30am-4:30pm both days. Cost for the workshop is $100 per person. This workshop is the entry into the RCA coach development pathway and is geared toward people interested in coaching LTR lessons at clubs. The workshop content is intended to provide the coach with knowledge, skills and abilities to instruct learn to row sessions with beginners.
Please note for full completion of the Learn to Row Workshop you must have your Pleasure Craft Operator’s Card (PCOC). More information on acquiring a PCOC