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Performance Group: Learning to Represent Nova Scotia around the World

This Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) “Learning to Compete” stage group will focus on developing athletes for top national and international competition.


Athletes in this group must train with the Performance Group on a daily basis. Athletes may receive permission, from the Provincial Coach, to do additional training sessions with the athlete’s home club, provided the club can provide an adequate training environment.


MINIMUM TRAINING EXPECTATION: Athletes in this group must be actively training for rowing 48 weeks/year, with 44-46 of those weeks in rowing, at least 16-22hrs/week training for rowing, and have a cumulative annual training volume of 600-900hrs/a).

How to Join

You can join the Row Nova Scotia Provincial Team Performance Group in two ways:

1. “New Talent” athletes must meet the Row to Podium standards and be invited into the program.

Row to Podium Performance Group Standards

Open Men<73kg MenOpen Women<60kg Women
Leg Press800750525500
Arm Press400350205190
Arm Pull500450290280
Arm Leg Bike90908080

2. “Existing Talent” to qualify for this group athletes must meet the Row NS Performance Group ergo standards and maintain an international level training volume.

Performance Group Erg Standards

MenLightweight MenWomenLightweight Women
Under 176:39.07:00.07:47.07:58.0
Under 196:32.06:52.07:40.07:50.0
Under 216:25.56:45.07:30.07:35.0
Under 236:16.56:39.07:20.07:35.0
Senior A6:09.56:27.07:10.07:22.0