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Coach Education

Upcoming Coaching Courses

RCA Coach Weekend 1 WorkshopOakwood HouseMarch TBD, 2020
RCA Coach Weekend 2 WorkshopOakwood HouseNovember TBD, 2020
Learn to Row Coach WorkshopLocation TBDMarch 22, 2020
Learn to Row Coach WorkshopLocation TBDMay 9, 2020
RCA Performance Coach WorkshopOttawa, ONJanuary 24-27, 2020More Information
Podium Performance SeriesMore Information Here
Multi Sport ModulesMore Information Here

Row NS Coach Development Plan 2019-2020

Row Nova Scotia sees the vital importance that knowledgeable, motivated and qualified coaches make in producing quality programs and, in turn, quality athletes. Having a base of high quality coaches across the rowing clubs in Nova Scotia will help develop the sport and our programs at all levels.  Rowing, like many sports across Nova Scotia and Canada, has seen a large proportion of active coaches and coaches entering the coach development pathway fail to reach ‘certified’ status in the NCCP. We have designed a coaching development plan with specific initiatives targeting keys areas in the coach development pathway to produce high quality coaches across the province and  assist our coaches in reaching certification in their desired coaching streams.

Our coach development plan includes:

Atlantic Coaches Conference

    – support one coach from each club to attend the 2019 Atlantic Coaches Conference in the appropriate stream;

Coaching Mini Clinics

    – organize three free to attend coaching mini clinics in the targeted areas of rowing and coaching that are hosting throughout the spring, summer and fall. The ;

Competition Development multi-sport modules

    • – reimburse the cost of taking competition development modules in 2018 that are required in becoming RCA Performance Coach ‘Trained’for active coaches – see the

multi-sport module schedule


NCCP Evaluations

    – reimburse the evaluation cost of coaches being evaluated in the Learn to Row Coach, RCA Coach and RCA Performance Coach streams for active coaches;

Row Nova Scotia Coach Mentorship Program

2018 Row NS Coach Mentorship Program


Coach Development Plan 2018-2019

Coaching Information

Rowing Canada Aviron’s (RCA) coaching development system provides professional training, evaluation and development opportunities to coaches working with athletes at various stages guided by the Rowing Canada Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) plan. In addition to coaching educational opportunities, RCA offers excellent resources for coaches, including the CAN ROW Handbook (available in print form) and an extensive look at the Canadian rowing technique in pdf format to download.   Please see the “resources” section for these documents and other information.

Coaching Model

One of the components of RCA’s coaching education and development is the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) which is delivered in partnership with RCA, Provincial Rowing Associations (PRA), the Coaching Association of Canada and the Provincial/Territorial Coaching Associations. RCA aims to increase the number of qualified rowing coaches in Canada, supporting their development as coaches – increasing their technical knowledge, skills and abilities, using the NCCP and other opportunities for coach development. While some learning will take place in a workshop setting, other valuable learning will take place working with other rowing coaches, sport scientists and/or coaches from other sports. Rowing Canada Aviron offers an annual coaches conference each January that provides NCCP workshops as well as other workshops that will help coaches in their development.

National Coaching Certification Program

The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) is a coach training and certification program for 67 different sports and is offered in both official languages across Canada. NCCP workshops are designed to meet the needs of all types of coaches, from the first‐time coach to the head coach of a national team. The NCCP is the recognized national standard for coach training and certification in Canada. Within each of the NCCP contexts, workshops are designed to address the developmental needs of the athletes. As part of the program, all coaches are trained in ethical decision‐making and sport safety.

The NCCP is the recognized program for coaching qualifications in Canada. The National Coaching Certification Program was established in 1974 and is a collaborative program of the Government of Canada, provincial/territorial governments, national, provincial, territorial sport organizations, and the Coaching Association of Canada. Each year, more than 50,000 coaches take an NCCP workshop and since it began, more than 1 million coaches have participated in the program, making it one of Canada’s largest adult education programs.

Coach Development

The emphasis of the NCCP is on developing competent coaches – an exciting step towards helping them to become more effective and have a more meaningful impact on an athlete’s experience. For more information about the NCCP see the CAC site. Download RCA’s Coach Development Model (pdf).

The NCCP is a competency-based system where coaches must demonstrate competency in order to obtain certification.   Workshops are designed to assist coaches obtain the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes needed to be a successful and competent coach. Below is a chart  that outlines the various contexts within the NCCP and Rowing Canada’s program.

RCA Certification Contexts and related NCCP

Learn to Row CoachLTR evaluation evaluationInstruction
Learn to Train
RCA CoachRCA Coach evaluationCompetition
Train to Train and early Learning to Compete
RCA Performance CoachRCA Performance evaluations
- In training
- Competition
- Selection
Late Learn to Compete and Train to Compete
RCA High Performance CoachRCA High Performance evaluationsCompetition High PerformanceTraining to Win 1 & 2

Coaching Documents

Row NS Coach Development Plan 2018-2019
CAN ROW Handbook
Rowing Canada – Learn to Row Pathway
Rowing Canada – RCA Coach Pathway Final
NCCP Maintenance of Certification – RCA PD Points
RCA NCCP Coach Challenge Process 2018

RCA Every Coach Certified Initiative