We are seeking applicants for the position of Coastal Rowing Coordinator for Row NS. Row NS strives to a leader in developing coastal rowing in Canada by utilizing our vast coastline to grow the sport of rowing in Nova Scotia. The role of the Row Nova Scotia (Row NS) Coastal Coordinator will be to work closely with the Technical Director; as well as the Provincial Coach, Administrative Staff, and Board of Directors to assist in the introduction and development of coastal rowing in Nova Scotia. Additionally, the Coastal Rowing Coordinator will provide a role in assisting Row NS in other rowing related participation focused initiatives
The Coastal Rowing Coordinator will support Row NS in providing opportunities for Nova Scotians to try coastal rowing. The position will give the coordinator valuable practical skills organizing and hosting events, coaching under the guidance of the Technical Director, and work towards certification in the Learn to Row stream of the National Coach Certification Program
Apply by Wednesday May 12 at midnight to rowing@rowns.ca. Please read the job ad before applying.